A handbook of English grammar.
THIS book was originally designed as a manual of English grammar
for Dutch students. As such it ran into six editions in less than
twice as many years, and drew a good deal of attention outside the
Netherlands. A French version (Grammaire Descriptive de l'Anglais
Contemporain) appeared in 1949, and more than one reviewer urged
the desirability of a unilingual edition for general use, with the
comparisons with and translations into Dutch left out. The author
is obliged to Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co. for enabling him to
comply with these flattering suggestions, and to Messrs. J. B.
Wolters, the publishers of the English-Dutch edition, for their
co-operation. He has availed himself of the opportunity to subject
the whole work to a thorough revision, and to introduce a number
of additions and textual alterations where these seemed to be
called for.